So I believe most people have the basic understanding that over-eating can lead to weight gain, or at the very least prevent weight loss from occurring.
I’m sure you’ve also heard something along the lines of “burn more calories than you consume” and you will lose weight as well.
Of course there is SO much more science to controlling one’s weight, but yes these two common “weight loss facts” do both hold some truth. (We also know that exercise plays a critical role in weight loss as well, but for the purposes of this blog I’m going to leave that out for now.)
The term “over-eating” is obviously very vague, as what really determines what is “over” the limit for you? Will you gain weight at 2000 calories a day with moderate activity, but lose weight at 1800? Is there a “magic calorie intake number” that will produce washboard abs and ripped biceps?
If you were hoping for this magic number, then you are going to be very disappointed with this blog! 😊 BUT, I can certainly help you achieve some killer results WITHOUT having you “count” every calorie that enters your mouth!
To be honest, I don’t love the idea of “counting calories” at all (especially when getting started with a weight loss plan)!
I’m sure we can all agree that not all calories are created equal. (1,000 calories in chocolate is certainly not the same as 1,000 calories in lean protein).
That’s why even if you might be consuming somewhere around where your projected calories “should be” (according to whatever calorie calculator you’ve found online), you might still not be losing weight.
Why? – MACROS MATTER!! (Macros is short for “macronutrients” which are the Fats, Proteins, and Carbohydrates in the foods you consume…)
In other words, you could be eating too much of the “bad stuff” OR not enough of the “good stuff” to help fuel your body to be the lean, mean, fat-burning machine that you want it to be!
I’ve actually had the “under-eating” talk with about as many clients as I have the “over-eating” talk during nutrition consultations.
Say you jumped on some 1,000/1,100 calorie “quick fat loss” diet you found online, and you dropped weight like CRAZY for the first few weeks. But then, all of a sudden your results came to a screeching halt. How is that even possible while you are eating so little?
It’s because your body went in to STARVATION mode. Basically it’s doing whatever it possibly can to hold on to the fat that you have left, because it’s not receiving ENOUGH fuel to function optimally. This can be magnified even further if you are killing yourself 5+ days/week in the gym on top of under-eating.
All that work for nothing! Who wants that?
So where do you start?
I first recommend journaling. You can use an app (like Myfitness Pal), or simply write it down on a piece of paper. Do this for a week to get a “snapshot” of what your daily food intake is like. A LOT can be learned by simply becoming AWARE.
*Don’t get stuck on the “recommended” values in the beginning if you DO use an app. We are just implementing journaling as an awareness tool, to see where you are starting. You’ll likely be able to spy a few “recurring” red flags you can cut out almost immediately.*
Next, focus on creating 3 balanced meals/day with CLEAN unprocessed foods.
For most, a “balanced” meal would look something like this:
1) Lean Protein (portioned to the size of your PALM)
2) Clean Carbohydrate (portioned to the size you can fit in your “cupped” hand)
3) Veggies/Greens (portioned to the size of your fist)
4) Healthy Fat (portioned to the size of your thumb).
Larger portions may be necessary for younger men, or men/women with higher levels of activity.
Start here and weigh yourself WEEKLY (NOT daily!). Monitor your progress and STICK TO THE PLAN.
Consistency is KEY!
Of course we can “get fancy” and start adjusting and manipulating your plan further as needed, but in the beginning all that matters is creating BALANCE and staying the course!
Hope this helps!
Dedicated to your success,
If you’d like to chat further about a more individualized approach to YOUR nutrition plan
I’d love to have the opportunity to offer some more guidance! Just send a quick email with
in the subject line to
[email protected]
OR text the word “FOOD” to (239) 398 – 9848
and we’ll set up a 1-on-1 appointment to chat further!
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